
Ръчно изработени мъжки гривни с 3 години гаранция. Добре дошли във вашата ексклузивна онлайн дестинация за гривни. С гордост представяме самостоятелно проектирана и внимателно подбрана колекция от гривни, изработени ръчно с грижа и експертност. Нашата цел е да ви предоставим стилни гривни с най-високо качество. Затова предлагаме минимум 3 години гаранция на всички гривни, за да бъдете сигурни, че сте направили правилната покупка.

Открийте вашия перфектен размер
Разбираме колко важно е гривната да пасва перфектно за елегантния мъж. Затова предлагаме гривните си в седем различни размера, така че да намерите идеалния за вас. Нашето лесно ръководство за размери ви помага да определите точния размер, като просто измерите обиколката на китката си. Добре прилепналата гривна стои плътно, без да бъде неудобна или твърде голяма – и ние искаме да ви помогнем да постигнете този перфектен вид. Твърде голяма гривна няма да изглежда добре, затова ви улесняваме в избора на правилния размер още от първата ви покупка.

Без посредници - Високо качество на правилната цена
Всяка гривна в нашата колекция е резултат от внимателно проектиран процес, който избягва посредниците. Това гарантира, че получавате най-доброто възможно качество на справедлива цена. Освен това всички гривни са проектирани в Швеция, придавайки им уникална северна елегантност и модерност, където много модели излъчват минималистичен стил. Открийте нашата колекция днес и нека нашите гривни станат перфектният аксесоар към вашето ежедневие.

Уникално разнообразие от цветове и материали
Нашата колекция включва различни материали, като естествена кожа, силикон, текстил, сребро проба 925 и неръждаема стомана. Всеки материал е подбран заради своите специфични характеристики по отношение на външния вид и издръжливостта, предлагайки уникални текстури и цветове. Нашата гама е уникална и може да бъде намерена само при нас.

106 продукти

60 от 106 продукти

FAQ - How do I find the right size for my bracelet?
It is easy to find your right size using our size chart located on the product page of each bracelet. Measure the circumference of your wrist and you will be recommended a size that will usually fit almost perfectly. For a bracelet to fit nicely, it is crucial that it is not too big on the wrist. At the same time, it must not be too tight so that it becomes uncomfortable. That is why we have developed 7 sizes of all leather and link bracelets. All pearl bracelets have stretch and come in 3 sizes. Our bangle bracelets are bendable and also come in 3 sizes.

Which bracelet should I choose? Our best style tips
Bracelets are one of the few accessories that men can wear daily and that fit in almost all situations. You can wear them at work, parties, dinner or weddings. There is no situation where the dress code forbids bracelets. There is a large variety of men's bracelets to choose from and there are no rules for how they can be worn. In the end, it's up to you what you think is nice. But there are some things to keep in mind, so here are some guiding style tips.

For a relaxed casual look where you wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, it is nice with leather bracelets and pearl bracelets. You can wear them individually on each arm, or combine them together. It is possible to mix colours and designs freely per your own taste. Here there is plenty of room to be playful. If you want to be on the safe side, a basic tip is to go in the same colour scale as your shoes. If you have black shoes, it will be nice with black bracelets. Brown shoes, brown bracelets. You get the point.

If you wear a suit, it is a stylish choice to choose a bangle bracelet. In other words, a bracelet in solid metal that is made in a single piece. These are also called cuff bracelets. This gives a more dressed up style that fits well in situations where you want a slightly more formal look. Link bracelets are also an excellent choice as they signal a more dressed up style. Remember not to have too many bracelets in such a situation, "less is more" and one bracelet is often enough.

Do you wear swimming trunks or shorts and have a classic holiday look with a polo shirt and maybe a sun hat? Then the pearl bracelet is a given choice. These are available in a large variety of stones and materials. As they are water resistant and comfortable thanks to their elastic bands, they are perfect on the beach on a sunny day. Another option is bracelets that have the character of ropes and strings. These are usually made of yarn or nylon and give a casual look. If you are going to stay on the coast or on the beach, an anchor bracelet is a suitable choice. 

In summary, as said previously, there are no rules. You are completely free to choose bracelets per your own taste, regardless of dress code and situation.

Can you wear several bracelets at the same time?
Yes, you can wear several bracelets on one wrist. You can even wear several bracelets on both wrists at the same time. A basic rule however, is that the more bracelets you wear, the higher degree of awareness of fashion and style security you must have. Wearing a lot of bracelets without thinking about how they fit together or how it fits into your other attire is probably not going to look very nice.

Can you wear a bracelet with a watch?
Yes, a watch and a bracelet almost always fit together well if you match correctly. A bracelet can enhance the look of the watch and here are some good tips to keep in mind for it to look good. If you wear a watch with a leather wristband, wear a bangle bracelet or a stone bracelet. Wearing leather on leather is not a style violation, but simply does not look as good. Then rather wear the leather bracelet on the other arm. If you wear a watch with a metal wristband, then choose a bracelet in leather, stones or yarn. In this way, you achieve a balance in your outfit that usually makes everything look better. Another thing to keep in mind is that if the watch, for example, is gold-coloured, the bracelet must also be gold-coloured, or that the metal details on the bracelet are in gold.

How to clean and care for a bracelet?
A sterling silver bracelet can be showered and bathed with but will oxidize faster when in contact with water. An oxidized silver bracelet is easiest and best cleaned with silver polish. If you have a bangle bracelet, it is easy to polish it to its former lustre. If it is just dirty, detergent and lukewarm water and a cloth are usually enough.

If you have a link bracelet in sterling silver, it can be more difficult to get rid of all the oxide as it is not possible to polish it everywhere. Then there is another method that is effective. Place the bracelet on aluminium foil in a bowl. Sprinkle plenty of baking soda or bicarbonate on the bracelet and then pour boiling water over. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse off the bracelet with water and wipe with a cloth. The oxide will then have been transferred via a chemical process to the aluminium foil.

Do not store silver bracelets with other silver jewellery as it accelerates oxidation. They are best stored individually in a box or in a velvet bag.

Leather bracelets cannot be showered or bathed with. Apart from this, leather bracelets do not require any major care as leather is a natural material that wears and changes character over time. This is called patina. If you want, you can always lubricate the leather with leather grease or leather cleaner. However, we do not consider it necessary as part of the charm of a leather bracelet is that it wears and changes appearance over time.

Stainless steel bracelets are completely maintenance-free and can be bathed and showered with. These bracelets are very durable and only require cleaning when they have become dirty. Then use detergent on a cloth and lukewarm water.