
If you want to spread that joyous Christmas spirit and bring smiles to friends and family during the myriad Christmas festivities, a Christmas bow tie is a brilliant and fun accessory. Our collection of men’s bow ties with Christmas motifs is home to classic accessories of both style and charm: go fashionable when you need to be smartly dressed, or more playful for when you’re partaking in those holiday reindeer games. Our Christmas bow ties are perfect for the office holiday party, mulled wine with friends, or if you just want to dress your best for the family celebration. We also have Christmas bow ties for children to create a charming father-son match! Our Christmas collection was designed from the ground up by us here at Scottsberry, and we provide all of our products without the use of middlemen and intermediaries — it’s exactly through this care and attention to detail that we can offer high-quality products at unbeatable prices.

14 Produkter

Mørkegrøn julebutterfly
  • Made in Italy

Mørkegrøn julebutterfly

Bundet | 100% silke

369 DKK
Grøn julebutterfly Santa
Grøn julebutterfly Santa

Bundet | Polyester

209 DKK
Mørkeblå julebutterfly Santas
259 DKK
Mørkeblå julebutterfly Trees
209 DKK
Selvbinder bordeaux julebutterfly
  • Made in Italy

Selvbinder mørkegrøn julebutterfly
  • Made in Italy

Mørkeblå julebutterfly Santa
209 DKK
Grøn julebutterfly Santas
Grøn julebutterfly Santas

Pre-tied | 100% silk

259 DKK
Mørkeblå julebutterfly børn Reindeer
  • 2-12 år

229 DKK
Grøn julebutterfly børn Santas
  • 2-12 år

229 DKK
Julebutterfly børn Rudolf
  • 2-12 år

Julebutterfly børn Rudolf

100% silke | 2-12 år

229 DKK
Rød julebutterfly børn Merry
  • 2-12 år

Rød julebutterfly børn Merry

100% silke | 2-12 år

229 DKK
Mørkeblå julebutterfly børn Santas
  • 2-12 år

229 DKK
Sort julebutterfly børn Decor
  • 2-12 år

Sort julebutterfly børn Decor

100% silke | 2-12 år

229 DKK

14 of 14 Produkter

Køb en julebutterfly online

Vi tilbyder et stort udvalg af julebutterflies. Alle vores butterflies er håndlavet med stor omhu af de bedste producenter, blandt andet i Italien. Vi arbejder uden mellemled med udvalgte materialer og mønstre. Den solide konstruktion sikrer lang holdbarhed, hvilket er grunden til, at vi tilbyder lang garanti på alle butterflies i vores sortiment. Hvis du bestiller din julebutterfly hos os, sender vi den samme hverdag, så du hurtigt får den leveret i din postkasse.