We have a 100-day return policy to return or exchange items.
If you have paid by invoice, you can contact the invoice issuer to pause the invoice until we have received the return. If you paid with another payment method, we will refund you as soon as we have received the return. This may take 2-3 weeks depending on the country.
Only unused products can be returned. All packaging and tags must be intact and still attached to the products. Any product that shows signs of use or smells of perfumes or cologne will be refused and sent back to the customer at the customer's expense.
How to make a return:
Please follow these steps:
1. Mark the products you want to return on your order confirmation.
2. Write "return" on the order confirmation and put it in the package.
3. Add the products that you want to return to the package. You can use the same packaging that they were delivered in or your own.
4. Send the package to the address indicated below. The freight is paid by the customer. We recommend using traceable shipping.
Return address:
European Business Center
6 Thornes Office Park
Monckton Road
5. We will refund your money/update your invoice as soon as we receive your parcel.
How do I exchange products?
1. Make a new order with the items you would like.
2. Return the products you want to exchange according to the instructions above.