Burgundy bow ties

A burgundy bow tie goes particularly well with dark suits, such as a navy blue or dark grey, where it creates a stylish contrast. For a truly classic look, pair it with a white shirt and black shoes for a timeless and formal look that works well at weddings, galas or other formal events.

For a more modern and casual look, wear a burgundy bow tie with a lighter suit, such as grey or beige, for a fresh and interesting colour combination. Paired with a patterned shirt, the burgundy bow tie can also serve as an exciting accent that will attract attention at the office after-work or a festive dinner.

Burgundy bow ties are also a great choice for autumn and winter weddings, where the colour harmonises nicely with the deep tones of the season. It also works well as a discreet but elegant accessory for more informal events, such as a dinner with friends or a formal family gathering.

Whatever the occasion, a burgundy bow tie is a great choice for those who want to add elegance to their outfit. It's timeless, stylish and versatile enough to work in a variety of settings.

41 produkty

Motýlek mulberry sametový
319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux sametový
319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s vzorem rybí kosti
  • Made in Italy

449 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux
Motýlek bordeaux

Pre-tied | 100% silk

319 SEK
Motýlek tmavě bordó
Motýlek tmavě bordó

Pre-tied | 100% silk

319 SEK
Vázací motýlek bordeaux s vzorem rybí kosti
  • Made in Italy

Motýlek bordó s puntíky
Motýlek bordó s puntíky

Pre-tied | Polyester

229 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem
319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s damaskovým vzorem
269 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux XL
Motýlek bordeaux XL

Pre-tied | 100% silk | X-long

369 SEK
Motýlek bordó s puntíky
Motýlek bordó s puntíky

Pre-tied | 100% silk

319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux
Motýlek bordeaux

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

369 SEK
Motýlek bordó s puntíky
Motýlek bordó s puntíky

Pre-tied | 100% silk

319 SEK
Vázací motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem Monza
  • Made in Italy

  • Sustainable

Vázací vánoční motýlek bordeaux
  • Made in Italy

Motýlek bordeaux s francouzskou lilii
249 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux
Motýlek bordeaux

Pre-tied | Polyester

229 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s květinovým vzorem
249 SEK
Bordó motýlek & kapesníček do saka
  • - 10%

429 SEK
478 SEK
Tmavě burgundský motýlek & kapesníček do saka
  • - 10%

429 SEK
478 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s medailonovým vzorem
319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem
319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem
Motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem

Pre-tied | 100% wool | V-tip

369 SEK
Motýlek bordó s pruhy
Motýlek bordó s pruhy

Pre-tied | 100% wool | V-tip

369 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem
Motýlek bordeaux s paisley vzorem

Pre-tied | 100% wool | V-tip

369 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s medailonovým vzorem
319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux Sky
Motýlek bordeaux Sky

Pre-tied | 100% silk

319 SEK
Motýlek bordó s puntíky
Motýlek bordó s puntíky

Pre-tied | 100% silk | V-tip

319 SEK
Motýlek bordó s puntíky
Motýlek bordó s puntíky

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

319 SEK
Motýlek bordeaux s vlajkou Německa
249 SEK
Bordó motýlek & kapesníček do saka
  • - 10%

Bordó motýlek & kapesníček do saka

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

429 SEK
528 SEK
Motýlek bordó pro chlapce s německou vlajkou
  • 2-12 years

Motýlek bordó pro chlapce s damaskovým vzorem
  • 2-12 years

Motýlek bordó pro chlapce
  • 2-12 years

Motýlek bordó pro chlapce

100% silk | 2-12 years

279 SEK

41 z 41 produkty

Buy burgundy bow tie online

We offer a wide selection of burgundy bow ties. All our bow ties are handmade with great care by top manufacturers, including those in Italy. We work directly with selected materials and patterns, without intermediaries. The solid construction ensures long-lasting durability, which is why we offer an extended warranty on all bow ties in our range. If you order your burgundy bow tie from us, we will ship it the same business day, so you can have it quickly delivered to your mailbox.