Koraljne leptir kravate

Coral is an exciting color that lies somewhere between pink and red. The coral bow tie is especially suited for proms and weddings. It is common to match the color of the bow tie with your partner's dress or have the groomsmen's bow ties match the bridesmaids' dresses. In this category, we have gathered coral bow ties in all imaginable materials, textures, and shades. We offer several shades of coral, such as light coral and dark coral, so you can find exactly the shade you are looking for. Pair it with a navy suit, white shirt, and a white pocket square for a stylish look. If you're searching for a coral bow tie, you've found the right store.

14 proizvodi

Tamnoružičasta leptir kravata
22.90 EUR
Koraljna leptir kravata
Koraljna leptir kravata

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Svijetlokoraljna leptir kravata
31.90 EUR
Crvena leptir kravata od baršuna
31.90 EUR
Leptir kravata za vezanje svijetlokoraljna
36.90 EUR
Svijetlokoraljna leptir kravata
Svijetlokoraljna leptir kravata

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

36.90 EUR
Koraljna pletena leptir kravata
36.90 EUR
Tamnokoraljna leptir kravata za dječake
  • 2-12 godina

28.90 EUR

14 od 14 proizvodi

Buy a coral bow tie online

We offer a wide selection of coral-colored bow ties. All our bow ties are handmade with great care by top manufacturers, including those in Italy. We work directly with selected materials and patterns, without intermediaries. The solid construction ensures long-lasting durability, which is why we offer an extended warranty on all bow ties in our range. If you order your coral bow tie from us, we will ship it the same business day, so you can have it quickly delivered to your mailbox.