Suntem mândri să oferim papioane elegante pentru bărbați, cusute manual din materiale atent selectate. Fiecare papion este realizat cu grijă și precizie, pentru a asigura fiecărui client accesoriul perfect pentru ținuta sa. Papioanele noastre nu sunt doar elegante, ci și funcționale și ușor de prins în jurul gâtului, datorită curelelor reglabile care se potrivesc oricărei dimensiuni a gâtului.
Designuri unice în modele elegante și festive
Avem una dintre cele mai mari colecții online de papioane din lume. Oferim toate culorile, materialele și modelele imaginabile. Gama noastră este complet unică și nu poate fi găsită în altă parte. Avem de toate, de la modele elegante și atemporale care nu se demodează niciodată, până la modele festive care vor adăuga o notă personală ținutei tale.
Prețuri competitive fără intermediari
Ne producem propriile papioane și nu folosim intermediari, ceea ce ne permite să oferim o calitate înaltă la prețuri accesibile, lucrând direct cu furnizori, în principal din Italia. Credem în slow fashion și în dezvoltarea unor produse durabile, care pot fi purtate de-a lungul anilor, la diverse ocazii.
Descoperă colecția noastră & comandă-ți papionul online
Te invităm să explorezi colecția noastră vastă de papioane unice pentru a găsi accesoriul perfect pentru ținuta ta. Gama noastră se potrivește tuturor stilurilor și ocaziilor, de la cele mai formale la cele mai casual. Suntem siguri că vei găsi ceva potrivit stilului tău.
607 produse
Papion verde închis floral Fiori
Pre-tied | Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin floral Fiori
Pre-tied | Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion argintiu Oscar
Pre-tied | Wedding
26.90 EUR
26.90 EUR
Papion verde măsliniu tricotat
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
29.90 EUR
Papion maro închis tricotat
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
29.90 EUR
31.90 EUR
31.90 EUR
Papion mov deschis de catifea
Pre-tied | Velvet
31.90 EUR
26.90 EUR
Papion alb de legat Niels
26.90 EUR
Papion alb cu buline
Pre-tied | Polyester
22.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin cu model paisley Toscana
Pre-tied | Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
67.90 EUR
75.80 EUR
Papion albastru deschis & batistă de buzunar
Pre-tied | 100% silk
42.90 EUR
47.80 EUR
Papion verde închis & batistă de buzunar
Pre-tied | 100% silk
42.90 EUR
47.80 EUR
Papion & batistă de buzunar Green Garden
Pre-tied | 100% silk
80.90 EUR
89.80 EUR
Papion & batistă de buzunar Floral Sky
Pre-tied | 100% silk
67.90 EUR
75.80 EUR
Papion bleumarin cu model paisley Toscana de legat
Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin floral de legat Fiori
Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion maro de legat Elegante
Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion auriu Sclipici & Petrecere
Pre-tied | Artificial leather
28.90 EUR
26.90 EUR
26.90 EUR
89.80 EUR
Papion & batistă de buzunar Silk Symphony
Pre-tied | 100% silk
63.90 EUR
70.80 EUR
Papion & batistă de buzunar Floral Marron
Pre-tied | 100% silk
67.90 EUR
75.80 EUR
Papion & batistă de buzunar Ocean Bloom
Pre-tied | 100% silk
67.90 EUR
75.80 EUR
Papion negru de legat & batistă de buzunar albă
100% silk | Diamond tip
42.90 EUR
52.80 EUR
Papion bordo cu model damasc
Pre-tied | Wedding
26.90 EUR
54.90 EUR
Papion alb de frac de legat
100% cotton
44.90 EUR
Papion argintiu Glitter & Party
Pre-tied | Artificial leather
28.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin floral de legat Spezia
Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion maro închis de legat Elegante
Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion maro închis în model heringbone
Pre-tied | 100% Wool
44.90 EUR
Papion mov închis
Pre-tied | 100% silk
31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu buline
Pre-tied | 100% silk
31.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin cu buline
Pre-tied | Polyester
22.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin tricotat
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
29.90 EUR
Papion verde mușchi tricotat
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
29.90 EUR
Papion maro deschis tricotat
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
29.90 EUR
Papion negru tricotat
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
29.90 EUR
Papion albastru cu buline
Pre-tied | Polyester
22.90 EUR
Papion alb Frac
Pre-tied | 100% cotton
44.90 EUR
Papion auriu de catifea
Pre-tied | Velvet
31.90 EUR
Papion bordo de catifea
Pre-tied | Velvet
31.90 EUR
26.90 EUR
26.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin Grenadine
Pre-tied | 100% silk
44.90 EUR
Papion verde floral de legat Fiori
Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion negru de legat
100% silk | Skinny
36.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin cu dungi argintii
Pre-tied | Polyester
22.90 EUR
Papion galben închis
Pre-tied | 100% silk
31.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin de legat
100% silk
31.90 EUR
Papion mov cu buline
Pre-tied | 100% silk
31.90 EUR
Papion bordo
Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny
36.90 EUR
Papion negru
Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny
36.90 EUR
Papion maro închis Elegante
Pre-tied | Recycled silk
49.90 EUR
Papion portocaliu de legat
100% silk
31.90 EUR
60 din 607 produse
Buy Men's Bow Ties Online
Buying a bow tie for men at is an excellent choice for the style-conscious man who wants to express both elegance and personality. Our wide selection of bow ties offers something for every taste and occasion, whether you are looking for a classic black bow tie for a formal event or a more playful, patterned option to add character to your everyday outfit. We offer fast delivery and, making it easy and safe to shop with us.
Bow ties FAQ
When is it appropriate to wear a bow tie?
You can basically wear a bow tie at all times where it is appropriate to wear a tie. A bow tie is considered slightly more dressed up than a tie, at dinners, parties and weddings, the bow tie is therefore a perfect choice if you want to be really nicely dressed. If you want to look good at work, a tie is preferable as it is somewhat more informal. If you have a shirt and bow tie, it is nice to have braces. If you wear a jacket and bow tie, feel free to use a handkerchief.
Pre-tied or self-tie bow tie?
There is no dress code that governs what kind of bow tie you should wear, it is rather a matter of taste. By far the best-selling and most popular bow tie is the pre-tied one. It is quick and easy to fasten around the neck with an adjustable strap. As long as the bow tie is of good quality, it will look good and your attire will be correct for all events where you are to wear a bow tie. For the really style-conscious, the self-tied bow tie is preferable. It takes a little practice to learn to tie the bow tie yourself and it can preferably become a little asymmetrical. Wearing a self-tie bow tie is a detail that other fashion enthusiasts with a keen eye will notice.
What pattern should the bow tie have?
There are almost an infinite number of different patterns on bow ties. There are no restrictions here other than what your imagination allows. Feel free to add color to your outfit with a colorful bow tie with some exciting patterns. The most important thing is that the color and pattern of the bow tie match well with your other outfit. If you want to play it safe, choose a bow tie in a color and pattern that keeps the same color tone as your other outfit.
How do I tie a self-tie bow tie?
Fortunately, there is only one method you need to learn to tie the bow tie. You will find a guide with video and pictures of how to do it here.
What material should the bow tie have?
The most common and popular material is silk. It has a beautiful shine and gives a luxurious touch to your outfit. The disadvantage is that it is an expensive material and it is sensitive to stains as it can be difficult to clean. There are also very good imitations of silk made of polyester. The advantage is that the material is durable and inexpensive. Then there are bow ties in wool and cotton which have a matte and warm color tone. Wool fits especially well in autumn and winter, while cotton is best suited for summer.