Papioane bordo

A burgundy bow tie goes particularly well with dark suits, such as a navy blue or dark grey, where it creates a stylish contrast. For a truly classic look, pair it with a white shirt and black shoes for a timeless and formal look that works well at weddings, galas or other formal events.

For a more modern and casual look, wear a burgundy bow tie with a lighter suit, such as grey or beige, for a fresh and interesting colour combination. Paired with a patterned shirt, the burgundy bow tie can also serve as an exciting accent that will attract attention at the office after-work or a festive dinner.

Burgundy bow ties are also a great choice for autumn and winter weddings, where the colour harmonises nicely with the deep tones of the season. It also works well as a discreet but elegant accessory for more informal events, such as a dinner with friends or a formal family gathering.

Whatever the occasion, a burgundy bow tie is a great choice for those who want to add elegance to their outfit. It's timeless, stylish and versatile enough to work in a variety of settings.

41 produse

Papion mov de catifea
Papion mov de catifea

Pre-tied | Velvet

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo de catifea
Papion bordo de catifea

Pre-tied | Velvet

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo în model heringbone
  • Made in Italy

Papion bordo în model heringbone

Pre-tied | Silk & Wool

44.90 EUR
Papion bordo
Papion bordo

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo închis
Papion bordo închis

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo de legat în model heringbone
  • Made in Italy

Papion bordo cu buline
Papion bordo cu buline

Pre-tied | Polyester

22.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu model paisley
Papion bordo cu model paisley

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu model damasc
26.90 EUR
Papion bordo XL
Papion bordo XL

Pre-tied | 100% silk | X-long

36.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu buline
Papion bordo cu buline

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo de legat
31.90 EUR
Papion bordo
Papion bordo

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

36.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu buline
Papion bordo cu buline

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu buline în model herringbone
31.90 EUR
Papion bordo floral de legat
31.90 EUR
Papion bleumarin și bordo cu dungi
22.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu model paisley de legat Monza
  • Made in Italy

  • Durabil

Papion bordo de Crăciun de legat
  • Made in Italy

Papion bordo cu model Liliac Francez
24.90 EUR
Papion bordo
Papion bordo

Pre-tied | Polyester

22.90 EUR
Papion bordo floral
Papion bordo floral

Pre-tied | Polyester

24.99 EUR
Papion burgund & batistă de buzunar
  • - 10%

42.90 EUR
47.80 EUR
Papion burgund închis & batistă de buzunar
  • - 10%

42.90 EUR
47.80 EUR
Papion bordo cu medalioane
Papion bordo cu medalioane

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu model paisley
Papion bordo cu model paisley

Pre-tied | 100% wool

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu model paisley
Papion bordo cu model paisley

Pre-tied | 100% wool | V-tip

36.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu dungi
Papion bordo cu dungi

Pre-tied | 100% wool | V-tip

36.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu model paisley
Papion bordo cu model paisley

Pre-tied | 100% wool | V-tip

36.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu medalioane
Papion bordo cu medalioane

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo Sky
Papion bordo Sky

Pre-tied | 100% silk

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu buline
Papion bordo cu buline

Pre-tied | 100% silk | V-tip

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo cu buline
Papion bordo cu buline

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

31.90 EUR
Papion bordo Steagul Germaniei
Papion bordo Steagul Germaniei

Pre-tied | Polyester

24.90 EUR
Papion burgund de legat & batistă de buzunar
  • - 10%

Papion burgund & batistă de buzunar
  • - 10%

Papion burgund & batistă de buzunar

Pre-tied | 100% silk | Skinny

42.90 EUR
52.80 EUR
Papion bordo pentru băieți cu steagul Germaniei
  • 2-12 ani

Papion bordo pentru băieți cu model damasc
  • 2-12 ani

23.90 EUR
Papion bordo pentru băieți
  • 2-12 ani

Papion bordo pentru băieți

100% silk | 2-12 years

28.90 EUR

41 din 41 produse

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